Blog Post

Notify Works in Kubuntu


In response to Aaron’s blog posts (Part 1, Part 2) about IRSSI and libnotify to send you a notification upon highlight, well it works great in Kubuntu as well.

As you will notice, I use a different icon, a customized Konversation icon, and I have also changed the color of the popup by setting the urgency as well. The following is the shell script I am using, which is pretty much the same as Aaron’s just modified to suit my taste.


ssh user@server ": > .irssi/fnotify ; tail -f .irssi/fnotify " |
sed -u 's/[<@&]//g' | while read heading message; do /usr/bin/notify-send -u critical -i <location to icon> -t 300000 -- "${heading}" "${message}"; done

Replace user@server with your username and server IP address. Also replace <location to icon> to the correct icon location that you want to use. An example would be /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/whatever.png.

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