Blog Post

Edubuntu Handbook Promising

,but not yet ready!

As some of you may recall, a couple of months back I sent out a message through this here blog about needing some help with the Edubuntu Handbook documentation. Thank you to everyone who responded and who helped out tremendously to get it up to where it is today. So where is it at today? LTSP documentation is loaded and pretty much taken care of, but there is plenty of other chapters/sections that need your help. Yes you! So if you are an avid Edubuntu user, or know your way around Edubuntu, can read and write English, and have a few minutes on your hand, then we could definitely use your help.

Here is the current state of the Edubuntu Handbook (Note it is still crude as it is still in draft mode, needing more content, we will proofread when all of the content becomes available.

If you come across a section stating “This section is available for adoption,” then please feel free to add to it. To chat with any of the Edubuntu developers concerning Handbook development, please if possible stop by #edubuntu in IRC on the Freenode network (server is and the port is 8001). You can also email the group at edubuntu-devel(at)lists(dot)ubuntu(dot)com to communicate your interest. Thanks everyone!

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