Blog Post

Global Jam Olyminated

That’s right, just like Chicago and their Olympic bid, the Global Jam has been olyminated! We spent the better part of 6 plus hours teaching quite a few new faces how to get involved in the Ubuntu Community. We covered everything from filing a bug to triaging that sucker, and even covered the packaging as well. We went over, in pretty good detail what all is involved with packaging as well as breaking down the files that are required and important for Debian and Ubuntu packaging. Typically our events are a lot of the same faces, however this time we went for a suburban Chicago feel for the get together and this collected a bunch of new faces. Awesome, as Jorge would say. Everyone of them was interested in learning how to contribute too. Hey Matt East, keep your eye out for my buddy Vaughn, he is interested in some Ubuntu docs! I know we will have a few more MOTU, or Ubuntu Developers, or whatever it will be called soon, hailing from Chicago. This rocks! During all of the instructing we actually triaged a bug, one bug! Of course it was a KDE bug too, go figure! Nonetheless, it was very productive and I feel we will have new contributors from Chicago in the near future as well. Anyways, here are just a couple of photos from the ones that I took:

Ubuntu Chicago
Ubuntu Chicago

Mr. Swoody Ms. Swoody
mr. swoody and ms. swoody



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