Blog Post

GPG Transitioning

Yay, I am doing the transitioning too. So w/o further ado, welcome my new GPG key:

pub   4096R/D8C44738 2009-06-06
      Key fingerprint = 3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96  7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  [jpeg image of size 12182]
sub   4096R/6B8A7765 2009-06-06

Yes, I even added my picture to the key, because it is even groovier that way.

And now say goodbye to my old key (well not yet, transitioning it out, so use the new key instead from now on):

pub   1024D/2E2C0124 2006-05-21
      Key fingerprint = 9554 2BCC 3AA2 3898 0939  56E7 3EC9 A39D 2E2C 0124
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
uid                  Richard A. Johnson <>
sub   2048g/B9DDBD35 2006-05-21

So, if you have signed my key in the past, I wrote up one of those transitioning letters that are signed by both keys. You can download that HERE. You can also DOWNLOAD the public key if you really need it, or you can just do the following to get it:

gpg --keyserver --recv-key D8C44738

So if you feel safe enough, without having to go through my wallet to verify I do in fact own the new key, I would appreciate it if you would sign it, if not I understand, and the next time we are face-to-face, you are buying beer! ๐Ÿ™‚

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