Thanks Google! Thanks Fede! Anyways, one day remaining Chicago! Saturday, October 28th, 2006 is the big day. The Ubuntu Chicago Local Community Team is gathering for a day of presentations, demonstrations, and Edgy Celebrations. $10 allows you full access to everything we are doing. The $10 is to help cover the cost of the event.
Presentations are looking good, so far we have: Organization, Marketing, Support, Edgy, Contributing, Gaming, Teens & OSS, 3D Graphics, Game Programming in Ubuntu, Crossover Office, Cyberlink, Kubuntu, Launchpad, Cedega, AIGLX (Beryl?), Debootstrapping, KMail, GNU Privacy Guard, and many more. Geek fest is on!
If you are interested in making it out, we will be located at the Best Western on 1231 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018. We will be there from about 11am (earlier if you are presenting, I will be there between 9am and 10am) until possibly 8pm that evening.
Head on over to for more information on the meeting, and if you want to come out, we ask that you please sign-up. Thanks again, and I can’t wait to see you all come Saturday!