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Tag Archives: Documentation

Kubuntu Documentation Needs Help

Here is the email I sent to the Ubuntu Documenation Project’s mailing list today: Currently we over in the Kubuntu world are completely rewriting the system documentation. Why you ask? Because the old documentation was just that, old. It contained information from the KDE 3.5 days. The reason for this is because for the past […]

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Old Docs

Wow, I just got the itch tonight to work on some documentation for KDE. I went through KHelpCenter to look at docs and I noticed the 2 big doc sections were badly out of date. KHelpCenter and the User Guide haven’t been touched in ages, well at least until tonight. I have fully updated the […]

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Kubuntu Documentation Ready For Translation

Nothing more really to say, just wanted to bring it to all of you wonderful translator’s attention.

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