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Tag Archives: Documentation

OpenWeek: Documentation

If you are around today, October 27th, at 19:00 UTC, join me in #ubuntu-classroom on IRC to get an introduction to Ubuntu Documentation. I have a few words to say first about documentation and then I will open the floor up to questions that I can hopefully answer for you. After doing the 2 Kubuntu […]

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Flash and 64-bit systems

Edit: This is for Gutsy only I just spent a few hours combing the community documentation and the Ubuntu Forums looking for the best resource for installing Flash on 64-bit systems. Wow, I was mesmarized by all of the information to do such an easy task. If you are using a 64-bit system, you do […]

Posted in Application | Also tagged , | 35 Responses

Need your help

I am currently updating the Kubuntu topic based help documentation and have a few questions I am hoping some of you can help me with. If you could, just leave a comment to this post. What I am looking for is the best guides you can think of for the following items: NVidia GeForce graphics […]

Posted in Development | Also tagged , | 9 Responses
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