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Tag Archives: GTD

Mark E-mails in Mutt as Tasks in Taskwarrior

OK, so I think most people know that I have grown quite fond of Taskwarrior for managing my Getting Things Done stuff. Many of you might also know that Mutt is my e-mail client of choice, for the past 15 years. Recently you saw a post on Planet Ubuntu by the rockstar Bryce Harrington concerning […]

Posted in Application | Also tagged | 7 Responses

Getting Things Done

These days I seem to be getting busier and busier, however where I am getting busier and busier is not all in the same spot. I have the various projects I work in (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, KDE), consulting type stuff, my new cycling life, and various others. For the past few months I have been trying […]

Posted in Personal | Also tagged | 24 Responses

Remember The Milk Google Gadget Plasmoid

Just wanted to drop a quick post about a really quick coding project (ie. 5 minutes) to incorporate a very simple Remember The Milk plasmoid for KDE 4.2.x. I utilized the Google Gadget GTalk code and just very easily implemented the RTM gadget. It works well, it just doesn’t have all of the functionality of […]

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