Blog Post


This is definitely easier than emailing each list to inform everyone of my absence.

Anyways, I have been left with a very unstable Internet connection at home which hasn’t worked itself out all of the way yet. Hopefully today will be a little better but I am not counting on it. It hasn’t been all that bad, because I have been able to catch up on school work and venture out and experience this so called thing called life.

Projects I have on hold and will be working on once I am able to get a decent connection at home:

  • KDE
    • I will update the Techbase stuff for the KDE 4 Documentation TODO list when I can, I have emailed the kde-doc list, so check your mail
    • I am looking over the KHelpCenter code to see how the “What’s This?” and the PDF creation can be implemented cleanly
  • Kubuntu
    • Will download the latest kdelibs package to work on the translations tab for LP translators
    • Looking over the edubuntu-desktop-kde package to see what else we can look at adding
    • I have a few bugs to close yet on a couple of packages, and I would like to get those done as soon as I can
    • 2 more days until string freeze – will have an updated, semi-final/final package built with the final string changes for translations (if you are using Kubuntu Gutsy, can you please check out the documentation and file any bugs that you see – thanks!

Hopefully I will be back to work here soon, only have about 15 minutes before I am done with school. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

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