Blog Post

What if there was just 1

  • Linux distribution?
  • Linux Desktop environment?
  • Linux email client?
  • Linux web browser?

Myself and Jordan were talking about this yesterday. I am all for more than 1 of each whereas Jordan was just for one. It was interesting to see the arguments on both sides. Today I asked the Chicago GLUG guys on IRC the same question, and it had very similar results as mine and Jordan’s conversation.

So I ask you, is having thousands of distributions bad or good, and why? What about desktop environments?

My arguments all stem from the same topics.

  • more options mean more choices – more choices leads to stiffer competition
  • more options means stiffer competition – stiffer competition means better software

I am interested in hearing what others have to say. If you blog about it, link back here so we can track it. Thanks!

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