Blog Post

Who you should vote for

Well it has been a while since my last post only because I have been super busy working here at Cleversafe and enjoying the challenge provided to me every day. Many of you think I have died and gone to proprietary heaven, but that isn’t true! I get to maintain and develop for a Linux distribution at work, and no it isn’t Ubuntu (unfortunately). Besides working I have recently quit smoking (again!), got a new car, looking at a new house, and riding my bike like crazy.

I haven’t given up on this community at all! I am still trying to fit in my MOTU Council duties and trying to get back into developing Kubuntu, definitely next iteration. If you have missed me and want to see me in person I will be at Ohio Linux Fest next week, and then FOSSCamp and UDS in December. In between there I will be doing multiple centuries and cross state rides in the US on my bicycle, so come out and ride along with me!


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