Blog Post

Why InfoWorld (Still) Sucks – Part 1: Editor(s)

haha, I had to do it. He is still at it, and his latest one is worse than the rest. It is more of an attack towards all applications for Linux, however the editor throws Ubuntu in it as if it is our fault. However, I think the best reading is the comments. I swear, some of them I can picture the commentor actually crying as they type the post. And you can tell who is either an American or one of the LUGRadio guys in disguise with all of the F words being thrown around. Here are just a couple snippets of my favorites quotes:

Holy Crap! I thought you were joking. This guy really is on the Microsoft payroll!

Randall C. Kennedy is the Director of Research for Competitive Systems Analysis and Contributing Editor to the InfoWorld Test Center. A 20 year IT veteran (his client list includes Intel, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and IBM), he specializes in enterprise desktop computing technologies and issues.

You’d think that this would make me madder, but it really makes the whole thing seem kind of chickenshit and inconsequential. No IT newsite that has any pretense to being reputable would allow a microsoft employee to do a four part hatchet job on Ubuntu. You’re throwing away any chance you ever had at credibility for a few cheap hits based on a manufactured controversy, you poor bastards.

Infoworld will be a good name for this site when it becomes one of those sad little search portals.



Nearly there in your 5-piece series. Have to say that I am enjoying them immensely.

I am fiercely opposed to the death-penalty, and was saddened to read about the prisoner executed in Texas yesterday because…

…”his lawyers had suffered a computer breakdown and were unable to file the appeal within regular working hours, and had begged Judge Keller for more time. Ms Keller refused.” [Guardian Online, 25 Oct 2007]

Normally when Windows crashes at work (3 or 4 times today – which is more than usual) it is not serious. At home so far not managed to crash Ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10.

Classic! You know what I have come to learn, we Linux people are pretty damn passionate, witty as all hell, and down right hilarious at times. If you want to read the post, it is HERE.

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