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FYI: InfoWorld is horrid

If you didn’t already know that of course. Anyways, I use the all so familiar iGoogle and have “Ubuntu” select to load up in a block on the page so I can see what everyone is saying. And it never fails that InfoWorld always has an “Ubuntu Sucks” article. Well this week is way different. The guy writing the articles is so biased it isn’t even funny. But he is succeeding. You can look through all of his posts, and he doesn’t have that many comments. Then you can look at his Part 1 through 3 posts and see he has attracted so many people. He is definitely getting his hits on. Well I decided to see what this has written in the past, and right smack dab on his front page is an article about someone ripping in Windows Vista. This is what he had to say about the guy who ripped into Windows:

I just got through reading yet another “Microsoft must abandon Vista to survive” scare pieces at a competitor’s web site. Talk about your lightweight content! This guy didn’t even try to provide any sort of hard data. He just spewed his anti-Microsoft bile all over his blog page. And while I’m by no means a Windows “fanboy,” I simply have to respond to some of the more common bullet “points” that seem to keep cropping up in this type of journalistic flatulence:

Now after reading that, go and read Why Ubuntu Still Sucks Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Everyone one of his attacks are directly at Ubuntu. One of his attacks is against Compiz. And his basis for his attack, a freakin’ YouTube video. Ya, he took what he looks at on his Vista desktop and compared it to a YouTube video. Can you believe these people actually get paid for writing for InfoWorld?

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