Blog Post

Kubuntu 8.04 Featuring KDE 4

Yes, you heard that right! Kubuntu 8.04, the Hardy Heron, will provide you the option of using either KDE 3.5 or KDE 4. Jonathan Riddell just posted the news in an email to the Kubuntu Developer’s mailing list, and you can read that email right HERE. We are going to focus on getting the bugs fixed in 3.5 and creating room for a Kubuntu with KDE 4. This means that Kubuntu 8.04 will not be an LTS (Long Term Support) release and will offer the typical 18 months of support. After the 8.04 release you can pretty much bet on Kubuntu being a KDE 4 release only!

So, if you have been wanting to get involved in the development cycle of a Linux distribution, there is no time better than right now to come join us in #kubuntu-devel on IRC and start helping out. There is plenty to do for people with all skill sets, such as:

  • KDE 3.5 bug fixing
  • KDE 4 patching and packaging
  • Development work to implement some KDE 3.5 applications for Kubuntu with KDE 4
  • Documentation for KDE 4 in Kubuntu
  • And anything else we can come up with…
  • Read up on Kubuntu development

This is all just starting to build up now, so a little patience will of course be needed while we develop the master plan now that we know what our direction will be. So like I said, if you feel like getting involved, come join us and help us make Kubuntu the greatest KDE 4 distribution possible!

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