Blog Post

Psst! Pass it on!

Totally groovy what I ran across today, a blog post from Deborah at the Free Software Foundation featuring your very own nixternal ๐Ÿ™‚

I have been trying to do my best and get as many people as possible interested in Free Software. Every day someone asks me how they can get involved in Free Software and I always tell them coding, documenting, creating graphics, marketing, and more. The one thing I tend to get back from them is “I don’t know how to do any of that.” Well, there is another option, donating!

The FSF has very easy payment plans for everybody, including students who are on that Ramen noodle and Pabst Blue Ribbon budget.

So if you are in the mood to contribute, head on over and donate to the FSF and become an Associate Member today!

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