What a great night of elections we had. It is cool to see that Americans want change and I think they deserve change. Now lets all cross our fingers and hope this group isn’t as corrupt as the last group, but if history repeats itself… All I know is I took a test on the Libertarian website, and it said I was a Centrist, which is different from what I thought was conservative views. And who said you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Anyways, nothing new here really, except that I have been getting in on the conference calls with those at the Ubuntu Developer Summit at the Googleplex in California. I have been a part of everything Kubuntu, LoCo Teams, Bug control, Ubiquity changes, and there are more to come.
Speaking of LoCo teams, Ubuntu Chicago is planning a brief meeting on IRC (#ubuntu-chicago
on freenode
) next Tuesday, November 14th, 2006 at 21:00 CST (03:00 UTC), or 9pm Chicago time ๐ Our working agenda can be read HERE, and add to it if you are interested in participating in the meeting next week. Ubuntu Illinois? Team leaders? a Council? Come be a part of LoCo history! <- haha, since everything here the past couple of days has been politicians crying out for everyone to become a part of history.