Blog Post

UDS Day 1: Community, Kubuntu, MOTU and more

Wow what a first day! After today, I am so pumped up to get working hardcore on the next release of Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Today I participated in 3 main discussions, Community, Kubuntu, and MOTU.


Jono led a session about how we can bring the LoCo teams around the world closer together. Discussions included a database of LoCo teams and their contacts, an OpenStreetMap mashup, things members of the community can do better, and more. After this session, I am pumped for more community stuff, and when all is said and done, watch out for some really great news concerning the community.


Gap Analysis. This is where you pick projects that you feel your project really needs to implement, and then you go through each sub-project and decide on if it is worthwhile. If it is, then you start performing a very similar analysis on the resources available now and the possible resources available in the future. If everything works out, then the project is accepted and you move forward on getting those projects implemented. So, some of the projects we discussed getting up to speed in Jaunty for Kubuntu relates to Flash, firewalls, user administration, the separation of church and state….Oh, sorry, I mean the separation of Konqueror and Dolphin. Konqueror being the web browser and Dolphin being the file manager. We discussed “kubufox” which will be cool, a nice Firefox/Konqueror home page, as well as some other things. I will discuss later in full these new projects as time permits.


5-a-day, MOTU processes….groovy stuff! I sat in on the whole 5-a-day topic and it was pretty interesting on some of the ideas that came about. In the future, I think 5-a-day is going to kick even more arse than it does now. As for the MOTU processes, I unfortunately was in the Kubuntu gap analysis topic at the same time, so I missed the first half of the MOTU session. I am sure Daniel or one of the others in there will post more information. The thing I was in there for, which I am to blame a little, was the not-so-glamorous side of REVU. There are packages without any comments that are months old. This is something we need to fix, and we discussed possibilities for fixing it.

Right now, I am in my hotel room, with a case of the upset tummy. The food at Google rocked, however my body isn’t agreeing that it rocked. I am hoping to head down stairs and go grab some brewhahahahas to help make me feel better.

I will continue blogging this week on what all is going on so you can follow along if you are not here. Also, you can follow me on both and Twitter by the name nixternal to see what I am doing or what I am witnessing. Like, bringing your dogs to work. God Google rocks, I want to bring my pooch to the office!

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