Blog Post


What Would Jesus Draw?

OK, I know that was a bad joke. This will be a brief post, as I am calling on a little bit of help here. I am working with the Ichthux development team, and have a task at hand, that the good Lord never blessed me with, artwork. This artwork is for the header and footer images used for the XML/Docbook documentation that you see in KHelpCenter. For example, KDE documentation, or Kubuntu documentation for that matter. The header consists of 3 images as well as the footer. We need some cool looking designs for the upcoming “Everlasting Joy” release towards the end of October, beginning of November.

So, if you are graphically inclined and are interested in helping out the Ichthux development team, please stop by #ichthux on and speak with me (nixternal), raphink, or LaserJock. I am going to bed now, as it is going on 2am here in Chicago. If they aren’t around, feel free to just sit back and chill, as I should be back by about 16:00 UTC.

Don’t laugh, but HERE is what I have done. I did this quickly, using basic Gimp skills. I was playing with colors, shading, glossy, and what not.

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