Blog Post

Green Eggs and Tons of SPAM

I am ashamed to actually say that I am from the state of Illinois, in the United States. Why? Because people in the United States currently live in a society where child predators roam the land freely, yet a company whose number one job is to prevent all of us from receiving SPAM is ordered by our court system to shutdown its domain. It seems that going after a company, for one that doesn’t even reside in the United States, because it did its job, is more important than defending our children. As it seems to me as well, I think our government puts in more work alienating other countries, then it does actually providing their own citizens the services they promised to carry on. I have an idea you dumb arse government of mine, why don’t you go after crooked politicians. Oh, I am sorry, this would take up all of the court systems time and you wouldn’t be able to go after some other country.

“Judge Kocoras is in his 70s and probably signed whatever was put in front of him” – Steve Linford, CEO The Spamhaus Project

Spamhaus, a company from the UK, blacklisted e360 Insight LLC. e360 Insight is a mass-mailing-marketing agency. In other words they are a SPAMMER. The great state of Illinois, in Chicago at that, actually went against Spamhaus and slapped them with a $11,715,000 punitive damages suit. Spamhaus pretty much told the court to piss off and didn’t pay up. I don’t blame them, how could a US court tell a company that isn’t even in the US what to do? I am sick of this “we are the leaders of the free world” crap, it has to stop at a certain point, and we need to realize we don’t have to own everything and rule everything.

Right now, the big things going on in the United States is of course ex-Rep. Foley and his sexually charged emails to his male teenage Pages. The other big story is closing the border to Mexico. You know what, if I was the congress, instead of spending all of that money to build a fence, how about setting up schools at the border and teaching the people crossing just how stupid we really are. Maybe they will go, “no way Jose,” and turn around in a hurry!I wonder if the stupidity of our judicial system and our government have to do anything with our GDP falling? I mean, maybe we can piss off more countries, and then just maybe, they will stop purchasing from us. I can’t wait for the day other countries tell Walmart, McDonalds, and others to piss off and kick rocks! The US is a hypocrisy not a democracy.

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